Saturday, February 23, 2013

Broccoli Seed Extract: the Ultimate Antioxidant

NeuroPruTect Broccoli Seed ExtractEveryone knows that broccoli is good for you, but not all broccoli is created equal. SGS broccoli seed extract is a super-vegetable that provides three days of antioxidant support and boasts the highest level of glucoraphanin (13%), more than any other broccoli product on the market today.

NeuroPruTect and ProteinPruTect contain 60mg and 30mg, respectively, of SGS broccoli seed extract.

Why is Broccoli So Great?

Because broccoli contains glucosinolate, glucoraphanin and isothiocyanates:
  • Glucoraphanin is the glucosinolate found in broccoli and converts to sulforaphane in the body
  • Isothiocyanates are the bioactive molecules that trigger antioxidant activity in the body, with the most well-known being sulforaphane
NeuroPruTect Broccoli Seed ExtractSulforaphane was identified in 1992 as the compound in broccoli responsible for many of its positive benefits. These compounds and their mechanisms have been studied extensively and supported by more than 500 scientific publications.
  • The science has particularly focused on the compound's ability to selectively boost Phase II enzymes, enhancing the detoxification of cells
  • These indirect antioxidants eliminate many types of free radicals, are recycled by the body, and remain active for up to three days
Broccoli Seed Extract

Due to the fragility of broccoli sprouts, SGS broccoli seed extract is made from the seed where glucoraphanin is most concentrated and stable. SGS broccoli seed extract is:
  • Produced in North America under the FDA's Current Good Manufacturing Standards (cGMP) for drugs
  • A completely natural process, using water extraction
  • Patented in the US and international markets
  • Specially formulated for tablets
  • Kosher
NeuroPruTect Now Available

As part of the PruTect Series, NeuroPruTect enhances brain health and is available from PruTectRx.

ProteinPruTect: New Lower Price & Better than Ever

Same Great Formula, New Lower Price (and Still No Glutens)

Your health is so important to us that we've dropped the price on ProteinPruTect by $55 per 30-day supply.

ProteinPruTect is in such high demand that we've been able to dramatically increase our production runs, cutting the cost almost in half. We want this to be your gain as it's the same completely natural formula, featuring:
Learn more about ProteinPruTect protein powder from PruTectRx

Accelerated Recovery from Surgery

If you know anyone having surgery, please recommend SurgiPack, which will help accelerate surgical recovery following any procedure.

Dr. Chad Surgical Recovery Tip

When combined with our liquid omega-3 nutritional supplement, OmegaSmoothiePruTect, and as part of our Omega3ProteinPruTect Key Lime and Lemon Meringue bundles (you get 10% off), you can now get all of your daily omega-3, aminos, immno-stimulation, GI support, and brain protection needs fulfilled pill-free when it's difficult to eat and swallow, especially for cervical spine surgery and procedures affecting the throat, abdomen and digestive tract.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Not All Calcium Is Created Equally...

Not all forms of calcium are the same. OsteoPruTect features micro-crystalline hydroxyapatite concentrate (MCHC), a premium, proprietary, cryogenically processed whole bone extract that is twice as effective as calcium carbonate at building bone.

MCHC originates from New Zealand, the country that raises one of the world's safest, most natural sources of bone. MCHC provides a crystalline calcium and phosphorous matrix in the ideal physiological ratio of 2:1. MCHC also delivers bioactive growth factors and type I collagen, amino acids, glycosaminoglycans and a broad range of essential trace elements. During four decades of scientific research on MCHC, numerous studies document the reversal of bone loss at therapeutic levels of supplementation.

Though MCHC is perhaps the most powerful form of calcium found in any supplement on the market, its effectiveness is minimized without proper absorption. That is why OsteoPruTect also features the collagen catalyst ch-OSA® and vitamin D3.

OsteoPruTect Now Available
As part of the PruTect Series, OsteoPruTect is now available from PruTectRx.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How Collagen Strengthens Bone

OsteoPruTect Collagen PromotionOsteoPruTect contains choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid (ch-OSA®)—one of the most effective substances on the market for promoting the generation of collagen. This collagen catalyst links together single chains of amino acids to form collagen strands. The collagen strands create the core-post "binding sites" for calcium and other bone minerals. In addition to helping reduce wrinkles, the oral supplementation of ch-OSA has been studied in chicks, rats, calves and humans. [1,2,3,4]

In a 12-month, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, (n=136 women; T score <1.5), a study group received 6mg of ch-OSA along with 1,000mg calcium and 800 IU vitamin D3, while another group received a placebo in addition to the same amounts of calcium and vitamin D3. Upon completion, the study group showed a 19% increase in serum procollagen type 1 N-terminal propeptide (PINP), the most sensitive bone formation marker, an overall positive trend for other bone formation markers (BAP, osteocalcin), and a 2.00% increase in BMD compared to the women taking only placebo, calcium and vitamin D3. Additionally, the ch-OSA group showed no adverse effects. [5]

An earlier study demonstrated that orthosilicic acid directly stimulates collagen type 1 synthesis in human osteoblast-like cells (bone-forming cells) and enhances osteoblastic differentiation. [6] Another OSA study demonstrated that the increase in collagen-responsible bone flexibility resulted in a greater resistance to physical stress. [7]

In addition to strengthening bones, ch-OSA and the collagen it helps generate helps prevent wrinkles. A nice side benefit, no?

OsteoPruTect Now Available
As part of the PruTect Series, OsteoPruTect is now available from PruTectRx.

  1. Calomme M. et al. Effect of ch-OSA on bone density in chicks. Poster presentation at 29th European Symposium on Calcifi ed Tissues May 25-29, 2002.
  2. Calomme M, et al. Effect of choline stabilized orthosilicic acid on bone density in ovariectomized rats. J Bone Miner Res, 2004 Oct; (19)(S1), S449 [PMID: 16604283]
  3. Calomme M, et al. Partial prevention of long-term femoral bone loss in aged ovariectomized rats supplemented with choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid. Calcif Tissue Int. 2006; 78(4):227-32 [PMID: 16604283]
  4. Calomme M, et al. Supplementation of calves with stabilized orthosilicic acid. Biol Trace Elem Res. 1997 Feb; 56(2):153-65 [PMID: 9164661]
  5. Spector TD, Calomme MR, et al. Choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid supplementation as an adjunct to Calcium/Vitamin D3 stimulates markers of bone formation in osteopenic females: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2008, June 11; 9:85 [PMID: 18547426]
  6. Reffi tt DM, et al. Orthosilicic acid stimulates collagen type 1 synthesis and osteoblastic differentiation in human osteoblast-like cells in vitro. Bone 2003 Feb; 32(2):127-35 [PMID: 12633784]
  7. Jugdaohsingh R, et al. Dietary silicon intake is positively associated with bone mineral density in men and premenopausal women of the Framingham Offspring cohort. J Bone Miner Res. 2004 Feb; 19(2):297-307 [PMID: 14969400]

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

You Are What You Eat

It's becoming increasingly difficult to know what's actually in the food we eat every day. Seemingly normal foods are becoming adulterated through processes that go unseen and, as they say, "out of sight out of mind."

But there are dangers with blindly trusting the source of what you put in your body. Anything from vegetables to eggs to milk can be genetically modified (GM) in some way as it moves along the food chain. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) represent an experimental technology that creates plant and animal genes that cannot occur on their own in nature.

GMO foods can be toxic or allergenic. At a very basic level they can also cause digestive issues as well. As it becomes more difficult to track the lineage of your food, you are at an increased risk of experiencing the negative effects of consuming GM foods. That is why it is becoming increasingly important to know where your food comes from.

Non-GMO Vegetable Protein & Nutritional Supplements

When a person undergoes surgery, it is even more important to reduce exposure to potentially harmful foods. For this reason, ProteinPruTect uses only non-GMO rice and pea protein, the benefits of which are two-fold:
  1. There is no risk of consuming potentially harmful substances, and
  2. Rice and pea based protein does not contain any allergens such as eggs, soy, milk, or wheat (glutens)
Another benefit of non-GMO vegetable protein is especially important after surgery when you take into account the fact that pain medication frequently causes digestive issues. By using a non-allergenic protein to boost recovery, you help support healthy digestive system function.


When combined with immunoglobulin concentrate and arabinogalactan, ProteinPruTect helps accelerate surgery recovery and promotes daily wellness. ProteinPruTect is only available from PruTectRx.